- How did you find out about the Good Samaritan Foundation?
I found out about the Foundation when I started working at the Society. Chuck Hiatt (former Foundation president) and I started on the same day in 2002, and that was the first I had heard of the Foundation. That connection led me to learn more about the Foundation and some of the different programs that were a part of it.
- Why is giving to the Foundation important to you?
Initially, I gave as a part of the yearly giving drive. It included the Senior Companion program, the Staff Crisis fund, Growing Our Own which provided scholarship money for nurses, and the LAMB hospital. All of these programs are a part of the mission of the Good Samaritan, which is why I was compelled to work for the Society in the first place.
Since then, Project Outreach has been added, which includes LAMB hospital, but the program has added senior outreach in Colombia and Zimbabwe. The growing ministry program has been one of the main reasons for my continued giving.
- What would you say to fellow supporters who may be considering a planned gift?
The Society began with donations of two pennies from each community member. This has been something that has stuck with me the 15+ years that I have worked at the Good Samaritan. It isn’t one person giving everything… it is the collective support that makes the Foundation and the Society work.
- As you consider our mission, vision and work, what inspires you?
We are everyday people working collectively to provide a better community of caring. This is inspired in the belief that “In Christ’s Love, Everyone Is Someone.”
- What are your hobbies and interests?
I enjoy watching and playing football and basketball, watching hockey, spending time with family, and fishing and camping.
- What change would you like to see in the world?
I would like to see genuine caring between people throughout the world. People looking at how we are the same instead of how we are different. There is common ground if we truly listen to each other with open minds.
Strong employee participation affords us the ability to tell other donors our story, demonstrates pride in our workplace, and shows confidence in what we do. It helps support our success in winning future funds through grants and foundations and foster a community seeking to invest in itself, each other and our mission.
If you are a Good Samaritan employee, please consider a one-time participation gift or an ongoing pledge to the Good Samaritan Foundation today. You can even make a payroll deduction
To begin, contact the Good Samaritan Foundation at (877) 774-2746.